You are viewing the article SOLVED:How many electrons in an atom can have each of the following quantum numbers or sublevel designations? (a) 4 p (b) n=3, l=1, ml=+1 (c) n=5, l=3 at you can quickly access the necessary information in the table of contents of the article below.
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Martin S. Silberberg, Patricia G. Amateis
9 Edition
Chapter 8, Problem 13
Answered step-by-step
How many electrons in an atom can have each of the following quantum numbers or sublevel designations?(a) $4 p$(b) $n=3, l=1, m_{l}=+1$(c) $n=5, l=3$
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How many electrons in an atom can have each of the following quantum numbers or sublevel designations?
(a) $n=2, l=1, m_{l}=0$
(b) $5 p$
(c) $n=4, l=…
How many electrons in an atom can have each of the following quantum number or sublevel designations?
(a) 4$p$
(b) $n=3, l=1, m_{l}=+1$
(c) $n=5, …
How many electrons in an atom can have each of the following quantum number or sublevel designations?
(a) $n=2, l=1, m_{l}=0$
(b) 5$p$
(c) $n=4, l…
How many electrons in an atom may have the following quantum numbers?
(a) $n=4, m_{5}=-1 / 2$
(b) $n=3, l=0$
When we’re dealing with the four P sub level, that means that there’s three orbital’s and each can hold two electrons for a total of six electrons mhm. When we’re dealing with a knee equals three and L equals one, that’s the three P. And then we have a specific orbital. So it’s one of the orbital’s like, say, three P. X. Uh you know, oriented along the X axis. When we have one…
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