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No Period since before baby… positive ovulation test?
11.5 month old and she dropped her lunchtime feeding this week so it’s been two days of only nursing morning and night. I haven’t had my period since before I got pregnant and I’ve been randomly taking ovulation tests. This is the one from tonight! It means I’m ovulating, right?!
Looks positive to me!!
Looks positive to me but I’m in the same boat with a 16.5 month old. I’ve been wondering if you have multiple LH surges before actually getting a period. I have been looking but haven’t found out anywhere because I have had multiple times with cramping and CM changes over the last few months but no af. I’m having both now and OPK is positive so I’m wondering if it’s a coincidence or I’m actually ovulating.
I have a 10 month old and have had multiple positive opks weeks apart… and still haven’t had postpartum period. So I think I keep gearing up to ovulate but just not there yet. I keep giving up on opks and say I’ll just wait til I get my cycle but then I get cm and take one again to check.
My LO is almost 7 months, at 5.5 m pp I was having symptoms of nipple pain while nursing, cramping, tender abdomen, change in cm, so I took an ovulation test and it was very positive like yours! I got my first ppaf about 10 days after that which was in July. I’m currently on CD 35- I had a pos opk on CD 12 & CD 29 this month. I think what happened is my body tried to Ovulate on cd 12 but didn’t, that’s why I got a pos opk a second time this cycle. I read up on it and that’s at least how it was explained.
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