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wikiHow is a “wiki” site, which means that many of the articles here are written by multiple authors. To create this article, 84 people, some of whom are anonymous, have edited and improved the article over time.
There are 12 references cited in this article that you can view at the bottom of the page.
This article has been viewed 13,348 times.
There are many ways to say goodbye – even more than words to say it. But saying goodbye is the basis of almost any language that newcomers will quickly master. Whether you’re a wanderer looking to learn slang for an upcoming trip, or a dreamer looking to fill your fantasy world with sights and sounds, this guide will help you. . Continue reading to learn how to say “goodbye” in different languages.
Saying Goodbye in the Romance Language Group

- “Hasta la Vista”
- Meaning: “See you soon”
- Pronunciation: Asta-la-VEE-sta
- “Despedida”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: Des-peh-DEE-dah
- “Adios”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: ah-THYOHS (European Spanish); ah/DIOHS (American Spanish)
- “Terrifying Despues”
- Meaning: “I’ll see you later”
- Pronunciation: day-VAY-o-des-pwace

- “Adeus”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: Ah-deh-ooSH
- “Adeus
- Meaning: “May God bless your trip”.
- “Tchau” is the casual way to say goodbye and is used for close friends, it’s known as Slang.
- Meaning: “Goodbye” or “Hello”
- Pronunciation: CHOW
- “Até Logo”
- Meaning: “See you soon”
- Pronunciation: Ah-TaY-Loh-GOO
- “Até amanha”
- Meaning: “See you tomorrow”
- Pronunciation: ah-TAY-ah-ma-NYANG
- “Adieu”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: ah-DYØH
- “Au Revoir”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: oh-VWAHR
- “Ah bientot”
- Meaning: “See you soon”
- Pronunciation: ah-bee-EN-toe
- “Ah demain”
- Meaning: “See you tomorrow”
- Pronunciation: ah-DE-mah

- “Arrivederci”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: ahr-REE-va-DER-chee
- “Addio”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: ahd-DEEH-oh
- “Ciao”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: CHOW
- “Buona sera”
- Meaning: “Good evening”
- Pronunciation: BWOH-nah-SEH-rah
- “Buona Notte”
- The meaning of “Good night”
- Pronunciation BWOH-nah-NO-tay

- “La revedere”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: LA-re-ve-DEH-re
- “Ramas bun”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: RAH-mas-boon
- “Pa”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: PA
Goodbye in the original German language

- “Auf Wiedersehen”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: owf-VEE-der-zayn
- “Bis dann”
- Meaning: “See you soon”
- Pronunciation: BISS-dun
- “Bis bald”
- Meaning: “See you soon”
- Pronunciation: BISS-balt
- “Bis spater”
- Meaning: “See you later”
- Pronunciation: bis-SHPAY-ta
- “Tschüss”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: CHSS
- “Tschau”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: CHOW
- “Ade”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: ah-DAY

- “Tot ziens”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: tut-ZEENS
- “Dag”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: DACH
- “Doei”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: DOO-EY

- “Hejd”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: HEY-doh
- “Adjo” (adieu)
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: ah-YEU
- “Adjoss”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: ah-YEUSS
- “Vi ses”
- Meaning: “See you soon”
- Pronunciation: vee-SAISS
- “Ha det s bra”
- Meaning: “Stay healthy”
- Pronunciation: HA-de-se-BRA [7] X Research Source

- “Farvel”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: fa-VEL
- “Vi ses”
- Meaning: “See you soon”
- Pronunciation: VEE-saiss
- “Hej hej”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: hey-hey

- “Farvel”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: FAR-vel
- “Ha det bra”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: Ha-de-BRA
- “Hade”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: HA-day
- “vi snaps”
- Meaning: “Let’s talk later”
- Pronunciation: VEE-snuck-es

- “Totsiens”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: TOTE-sees
- “Tot weersiens” (informal)
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: TOTE-veer-sees
- “Tot wederom” (informal)
- Meaning: “See you soon”
- Pronunciation: TOTE-VAY-der-OM
- “Wederdom” (informal)
- Meaning: “(See you) again”
- Pronunciation: VAY-der-OM
- “Koebaai”
- Meaning: “Goodbye” (informal; derived from the word “Goodbye” – Goodbye in English)
- Pronunciation: ko-BAI
- “Ghoebaai”
- Meaning: “Goodbye” (derived from the word “Goodbye” – Goodbye in English)
- Pronunciation: go-BAI
- “Bai”
- Meaning: “Goodbye” (informal; starting with the word “Goodbye” – Bye in English)
- Pronunciation: bai
- “Arriewarie”
- Meaning: “Goodbye” (informal; folk etymology is “Au revoir”)
- Pronunciation: data is updating
- “Vaarwel” (formal)
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: far-VEL
Goodbye in the Slavic language

- “Do svidaniya” / “До ания”
- Meaning: “Goodbye” (literal translation: “Until we meet again next time”)
- Pronunciation: Do-sve-DAN-ya
- “Poka” / “Пока”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: pa-KA
- “Do vstrechi” / “До ”
- Meaning: “Until we meet again”
- Pronunciation: DO-vtr-ETCHY
- “Udachi” / “Удачи”
- Meaning: “Good luck”
- Pronunciation: oo-DA-chee

- “Due to zobaczenia”
- Meaning: “See you soon”
- Pronunciation: doh-zoh-bah-CHAN-ya
- “Żegnaj”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: dzen-NAI (the “dz” sound is similar to “si” in the English word “vi si on”)

- “Dovidenja”
- Meaning: “Goodbye” (in Russian it means exactly “until we meet again”)
- Pronunciation: doh-vee-JEN-ya
- “Bogs”
- Meaning: “God” (literally translated as “God”, but can be pronounced “bok”, to distinguish it from the word “God” – God in English)
- Pronunciation: BOK
- “Wow”
- Meaning: “Hello” (mostly used on the Croatian Coast, because of its location very close to Italy, where you would say “Hi” and the pronunciation of Hi and Ćao is similar, if not said. is the same)
- Pronunciation: CHOW
- “Idi’s Bogom”
- Meaning: “Walk with God”
- Pronunciation: ee-Dee’s Boh-gom

- “Sbohem”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: “sbo-HEM”
- “Na shledanou”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: “nah-SKLE-dan-oh”
- “Ahh”
- Meaning: “See you soon”
- Pronunciation: “a-HOY”

- “Nasvidenje”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: nas-VEE-dan-yeh
- “Adijo”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: ah-DEE-oh
- “Čav”
- Meaning: “Hello”
- Pronunciation: CHAHV
Goodbye in Asian language

- “Sayōnara” / “さようなら”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: sai-OH-nar-ah
- “Jā ne” / “じゃあね”
- Meaning: “See you soon” (informal)
- Pronunciation: JAH-neh
- “Jā mata ne” / “じゃあまたね”
- Meaning: “See you soon”
- Pronunciation: JAH-ma-ta-neh
- “Oyasuminasai” / “おやすみなさい”
- Meaning: “Good night” (only used late at night)
- Pronunciation: Oh-ya-su-mi-nar-sai

- “Zai jiàn” / “再见”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: tzai-JIEN
- “Míng tiān jiàn” / “明天見/明天见”
- Meaning: “See you tomorrow”
- Pronunciation: “miin-tyen-JIEN
- “Yī huĭr jiàn” / “一會兒見/一会儿见”
- Meaning: “See you later” (same day)
- Pronunciation: ee-hwur-JIEN
- “Huí tóu jiàn” / “回頭見/回头见”
- Meaning: “See you later” (same day)
- Pronunciation: hway-toh-JIEN

- “Joigin” / “再見”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: tzai-JIEN
- “Baaibaai” / “拜拜”
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: bai-bai

- “Annyeong” / “안녕” (informal)
- Meaning: “Goodbye”
- Pronunciation: AN-nyeong
- “Anyeonghi Gasyeo” / “안녕히 ”
- Meaning: “Goodbye” (if you are the one who stays and the other person is the one who leaves)
- Pronunciation: AN-nyeong-HE-ga-SEH-yo
- “Annyeonghi Kyeseyo” / “안녕히 ”
- Meaning: “Goodbye” (if you’re the one leaving)
- Pronunciation: AN-nyeong-HE-gye-SEH-yo
Goodbye in Indo-Aryan language

- “Namaste” (similar to hello)
- “Fir milenge” (see you soon)
- “Alvida” (Goodbye, a little formal)

- “Alweda” / “ਅਲਵਿਦਾ”
- “Rabb rakha” / “ਰੱਬ “
- “Guru rakha” / “ਗੁਰੂ ”

- “Namaste”
- “Subha yatra”
- “Feri bhetaula”

- “Bidae nicchchi” / “বিদায় ” (Goodbye)
- “Bhalo thakben” / “ভালো থাকবেন” (Stay healthy)
- “Aabar dekha hobey” / “আবার ” (See you later)
- “Aashchhi” / “আসছি” (Meaning ‘will come’. Many people think that this is a mispronunciation of the word ‘let’.’ Actually, when saying ‘will come’, the speaker is promising or hinting. hope to visit again.

- “Nawatha hamu wemu” (Meaning “See you later”)
- “Subha dawasak” (Meaning “Have a nice day”)
- “Gihillā ennam” / “ගිහිල්ලා “
- “Mama yanawā” / “මම ”

- “Punha bhetu”

- “Aavjo” / “આવજો”
Goodbye in Semitic language

- “Ma’a as-salaama” / “مع السلامة”
- Meaning: “Stay safe/peaceful”
- “As-salaamu ‘alaykum” / “السلام ليكم”
- Meaning: “Peace be with you”
- “Elalleqa”
- Meaning: “Until we meet”

- “L’hitraot” / “להתראות”
- “Shalom” / “שָׁלוֹם”
- Meaning: “Peace”
- “Shalom aleichem” / “שָׁלוֹם ”
- Meaning: “Peace be with you”
Goodbye in Austronesian/Ppynesian language

- “Paalam na”
- Meaning: “Goodbye now”
- Pronunciation: puh-AH-lam-nah
- “Aalís na ako”
- Meaning: “I have to go now”
- Pronunciation: uh-ah-LISS-na-a-KOH

- “Sige la”

- “Selamat jalan”
- “Selamat tinggal”

- “Sampai Jumpa”
- “Sampai Bertemu Lagi”
- “Daag” (informal)

- “Veloma”

- “Hello”

- “Ayo”
wikiHow is a “wiki” site, which means that many of the articles here are written by multiple authors. To create this article, 84 people, some of whom are anonymous, have edited and improved the article over time.
There are 12 references cited in this article that you can view at the bottom of the page.
This article has been viewed 13,348 times.
There are many ways to say goodbye – even more than words to say it. But saying goodbye is the basis of almost any language that newcomers will quickly master. Whether you’re a wanderer looking to learn slang for an upcoming trip, or a dreamer looking to fill your fantasy world with sights and sounds, this guide will help you. . Continue reading to learn how to say “goodbye” in different languages.
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