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This article was co-written by Pouya Shafipour, MD, MS. Pouya Shafipour is a family medicine specialist, family physician, and weight loss specialist based in Santa Monica, California. Shafipour specializes in diet, nutrition, behavior and exercise counseling to combat obesity and medical conditions associated with excessive weight gain or loss. Shafipour received a bachelor’s degree in molecular and cellular biology from the University of California, Berkeley, a master’s degree in physiology and biomedical physics from Georgetow University, and a doctorate degree from the Loma Linda University School of Medicine. He completed an internship in general surgery at the University of California, Irvine and a residency in family medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, and was certified as a family physician by the board of directors in 2012. 2008.
There are 13 references cited in this article that you can view at the bottom of the page.
This article has been viewed 13,569 times.
When you try to lose weight and burn excess body fat, your muscles naturally lose some. To prevent too much muscle loss, you can adopt the right diet and exercises that help you lose weight, burn fat, and maintain muscle mass.

- Generally, you should not consume less than 1,200 calories per day. Calorie intake that is too low for your age, gender, and activity level can put you at risk of losing a lot of muscle by not consuming enough nutrients for your body to function at normal levels. [3] X Trusted Source Mayo Clinic Go to Source
- You can lose 0.5-1kg/week by reducing about 500 calories consumed daily. Note, do not reduce more than this.

- The minimum protein intake for women is 46g/day and for men is 56g/day. You can easily provide enough protein for your body if you make sure to eat protein foods at every meal and snack. Do not reduce protein intake below this threshold. [5] X Trusted Source Centers for Disease Contrp and Prevention Go to source
- Meals should include protein-rich foods such as lean red meat, poultry, seafood, beans, lentils, tofu, nuts or natural nut butters, eggs, and low-fat dairy.
- A serving of protein is about 85-110g or a piece of meat the size of a hand or a card.

- Experts recommend consuming 2-3 servings of fruit and 4-6 servings of vegetables per day, which means that each of your meals should include vegetables.
- One serving of fruit is equivalent to about one small fruit or 1/2 cup of fruit and one serving of vegetables is equivalent to 1-2 cups of green vegetables. [8] X Trusted Source USDA Center for Nutrition Ppicy and Promotion Go to Source[9] X Trusted Source USDA Center for Nutrition Ppicy and Promotion Go to Source .

- A low-carb diet is one that focuses on limiting your daily carbohydrate intake. Depending on your diet, your daily carbohydrate intake can be in the 60-200g range. The lower the carbs in the diet, the more limited your food choices will be.
- Carbohydrates are found in many food groups, such as grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and beans. Only 1-3 servings of these foods should be consumed per day to support weight loss. Read the nutrition facts carefully or use a food diary to see how many carbs you’re eating.
- A low-carb diet combined with a higher amount of protein will support the best weight loss and muscle maintenance process. [11] X Trusted Source Mayo Clinic Go to Source
- Talk to your doctor before starting a low-carb diet. A low-carb diet may be safe for healthy adults, but it’s not safe for everyone.

- Whey protein is a high-quality protein. This protein contains all the essential amino acids that the body needs but cannot make on its own. If possible, when buying protein supplements, choose whey protein.
- If you are allergic to milk, or do not want to drink milk, you should consider using another source of protein. You can choose eggs and soy.
- Protein supplements have been shown to be particularly effective in maintaining and even building muscle if taken after a workout. [13] X Research Source
- If you choose to use a protein supplement to promote weight loss, make sure you choose one that is low in calories. Also, you should not mix a lot of ingredients or high-calorie ingredients, as this will increase the total calorie level of the supplement. Adding too many calories in your diet can have the opposite effect of making you gain weight.
- Currently on the market there are many stores selling protein supplements. You can buy protein supplements at your grocery store, drugstore, natural food store, health food or fitness store, or online.
Maintain muscle by exercising

- Regular and regular cardio exercises help maintain muscle mass and promote calorie burning.
- Set a goal to spend about 150 minutes of cardio each week. And it is better to exercise at a moderate intensity. This means that during exercise, your heart rate and breathing rate increase but still at a level where you can comfortably say a few short sentences without pausing to catch your breath. [15] X Trusted Source Centers for Disease Contrp and Prevention Go to source
- Some different aerobic activities include: walking/running, cycling, elliptical, swimming or dancing.
- High-intensity interval training is a combination of strength training and short bursts of cardio that alternate between high-intensity and moderate-intensity. You can do the same in less time. Many studies show that this form of exercise helps support faster fat loss. [16] X Research Source

- Each strength training exercise should last about 20-30 minutes. [19] X Trusted Source Centers for Disease Contrp and Prevention Go to the source Try to alternate muscle groups with each exercise. Make sure to work all major muscle areas (back, abs, buttocks), chest, arms and legs.
- Some strength-building activities include: weight lifting, yoga, or pilates.
- If you’re just starting out with weightlifting or strength training, it’s a good idea to work with light weights or for short periods of time. At first, do not choose too heavy weights or practice for a long time, otherwise you may get injured.
- Limit exercise frequency for each muscle group to a maximum of once every 2 days. You should only train directly for each specific muscle group 1-2 times a week to give the muscles time to fully recover. [20] X Trusted Source Centers for Disease Contrp and Prevention Go to source

- Between strength training sessions, you should allow about 24-48 hours to rest. [21] X Trusted Source Harvard Medical Schop Go to Source
- However, you should still be active during the “holiday”. Called a day off, but not sitting in one place or lying down. You should do some light-intensity and restorative activity, like walking, cycling slowly, or doing restorative yoga.

- Before your workout, you should drink plenty of water and eat a carbohydrate-rich snack. [23] X Trusted Source Mayo Clinic Go to source But be sure to eat at least 30 minutes before your workout to make sure you don’t experience digestive upset or discomfort during your workout.
- You can eat some light foods before working out like: a small cup of oatmeal, a little fruit, yogurt or a serving of bread.
- It’s also important to stay hydrated after a workout. In addition, you should eat small meals or snacks with foods containing protein and carbohydrates. This special combination helps muscles recover faster. [24] X Trusted Source Mayo Clinic Go to Source Try to eat within 60 minutes of finishing your workout.
- Some post-workout snacks include: applesauce and peanut butter, chocolate milk, dried fruit and nuts, or a fruit smoothie with protein powder added to it.
- Before changing your diet, you should consult your doctor. Your doctor will advise on how to make changes that are safe and right for you.
- Similarly, you should also consult your doctor before changing your exercise routine.
- Slow and steady weight loss is the best way to lose weight to maintain muscle while dieting.
This article was co-written by Pouya Shafipour, MD, MS. Pouya Shafipour is a family medicine specialist, family physician, and weight loss specialist based in Santa Monica, California. Shafipour specializes in diet, nutrition, behavior and exercise counseling to combat obesity and medical conditions associated with excessive weight gain or loss. Shafipour received a bachelor’s degree in molecular and cellular biology from the University of California, Berkeley, a master’s degree in physiology and biomedical physics from Georgetow University, and a doctorate degree from the Loma Linda University School of Medicine. He completed an internship in general surgery at the University of California, Irvine and a residency in family medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, and was certified as a family physician by the board of directors in 2012. 2008.
There are 13 references cited in this article that you can view at the bottom of the page.
This article has been viewed 13,569 times.
When you try to lose weight and burn excess body fat, your muscles naturally lose some. To prevent too much muscle loss, you can adopt the right diet and exercises that help you lose weight, burn fat, and maintain muscle mass.
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